Tech to Try

My Preferred Tech Stack

For static sites, Next.js/Typescript/Tailwindcss with serverless functions deployed on

For complex/dynamic sites, React/Redux/Typescript/Tailwindcss frontend with Phoenix/Elixir backend and Postgres DB deployed on

Domains from Namecheap and Cloudflare CDN/Nameserver

To Better Current Stack

  1. React Transitions from v18

  2. Figure out benefits/when to use Webassembly

  3. useSSR / react query library

  4. Deploy some Elixir Clusters

  5. Try yaml deployment

  6. When you send elixir message that doesnt have handler, it throws timeout error


  8. SQLlite with LiteFS

New Techs to Try

  1. Rust

  2. Google App Engine for Deployment

  3. Redis

  4. ELK(elasticsearch, logstash, kibana)

  5. RPC

  6. Kubernetes

  7. GraphQL -

  8. Infra as code

    1. Terraform?


### Other Notable Stuff

  1. Warp, a terminal for devs

    1. Like code editor with selction, dropdown of code suggestions, AI command search

    2. Share/save workflows and commands, could be good for team onboarding but prob not worth whatever price

  2. Remix Library - New Full Stack Framework that instead of loading components in cascading manner with their API calls, load in parallel

  3. Dendron for structured note taking - big problem is it doesn't autopreview markdown so takes up so much space

Generous Free Tier Tools

  • Chatwoot

    • intercom with 10k contacts free

  • Posthog Cloud - 1M events free

    • Feature flags, all event capture, session recording and more

  • Segment - 1k free users a month then get expensive

    • Cheaper, better?

  • Logrocket - 1k free user a month

Last updated