
Prepending s to strings allow usage of $variable

val name = "James"
println(s"Hello, $name")  // Hello, James

Prepending f to strings allows simple formatted string like printf. Follow the $variable%s with the %d or %s etc like printf

val height = 1.9d
val name = "James"
println(f"$name%s is $height%2.2f meters tall")  // James is 1.90 meters tall

he raw interpolator is similar to the s interpolator except that it performs no escaping of literals within the string. Here’s an example processed string:

scala> s"a\nb"
res0: String =

Here the s string interpolator replaced the characters \n with a return character. The raw interpolator will not do that.

scala> raw"a\nb"
res1: String = a\nb

Single '

'string1 creates a symbol which are interned strings

'abcd eq 'abcd will return true, while "abcd" eq "abcd"

Real for strings that are more code than they are data, i.e we don't care the order of characters its really just a symbol like using constants for DB_Names basically

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