Monorepo vs Manyrepo
Mono is better for atomic changes and is the more popular choice
Many seperates the pull requests and commit history of mostly seperate projects
Server-Side Vs Client-Side Rendering
ServerSide Rendering means the server will generate the initial html of the React element that can then be rehydrated. Default lib in node.
Faster initial load(Less roundtrips)
No access to Window, History APIS
Supposedly SEO
According to this, Google will take longer(hours to weeks) to index server rendered websites
According to a head of SEO from Airbnb, Google is stupid and cant render js
Not all the React related libraries will be compatible with SSR, and even if they are, it might require some non-obvious setup to get them working.
Better for Apps that are mostly behind a login because it doesnt need SEO right
Server Vs Clientside ID Generation
Server-side/Autoincrementing ID
Need to access DB before you can propogate ID
Less space - int8 is 8 bytes
Simple and auto for dbs
Leaks usage stats to people looking at ids number
Allows storing/using ids before saving in the DB
Allows you to put id in urls without them being guessable by users
Should add prefix to ids like stripe b/c easier for debugging and more
Globally unique unless theres a bad/malicious actor
Have to enforce uniqueness in the DB/catch id conflict errors
More space - varchar(255) is up to 255 bytes and one byte per char so nanoid is 21 chars/bytes
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