Can make a bundle with Elixir, Erlang VM, and code that you can drop on a prod machine/docker container and run.
mix phx.gen.release apparently needed for something like running migrations in the release idk its in the guide
# Initial setupmix deps.get --only prodMIX_ENV=prod mix compile# Compile assetsnpm install --prefix ./assetsnpm run deploy --prefix ./assetsmix phx.digest# Build the release and overwrite the existing release directoryMIX_ENV=prod mix release --overwrite
Then using this built release
# Running_build/prod/rel/react_phoenix/bin/react_phoenixstart# All commands_build/prod/rel/react_phoenix/bin/react_phoenix# Accessing while running(after ssh?)_build/prod/rel/react_phoenix/bin/react_phoenixremote
Need 2 buildpacks, config the version of elixir and erlang, configure config.exs
herokucreate--buildpackhashnuke/elixir#will return url to use in prodherokubuildpacks:add