Language Types

OOP, Functional, Declaritive

OOP(Object Oriented Programming)

Encapsulate and inherit data and functions in objects/classes, mutable (C++, Java, Javascript)


Express logic in code, and control flow is deduced

E.g SQL, Prolog


functions are first class, immutable (Elixir, Haskell)


  • simpler rules

  • better parallelism because no race conditions

  • more bug free/easier to debug


  • performance can be bad

  • harder to logic sometimes

  • harder to hire for

Statically Typed: Variables have specific types at compiletime

Dynamically Typed: Variables define their type at runtime

Strongly vs Weakly Typed : About if it automatically converts float to integers or strings or it must be explicit

Compiled Vs Interpreted

In principle, not a lang characteristic as you can compile or interpret a lang


C++ and Java are compiled meaning they are turned in byte code and need to be precompiled


Python, JS is interpretrated meaning it is turned into byte code as needed

  • Garbage collection

  • dont have to define types

Other Paradigms

Map Reduce

Map ft - process key/value to generate intermediate key/value

Reduce ft - merges all intermediate values with same key

Implementation handles parallelization, machine failure, and data locality/optimization

Ship computation to machine that holds needed data instead of data to compution

Implementation: Master Slave with 64MB block size and redundancy, commodity machines

Last updated