Database Desigm

Minimize data reduncancy with normalization

One Primary Key must be unique, unchanging, non null

Understanding Query Optimization:


  • none indexes mean full table lookups vs index that binary tree the shit, none primary key indexes create new tiny table for 2 binary tree lookups

  • Updating indexes takes longer

Should I use a id(surrogate key) or a unique attribute(natural key) for the primary key?

  • Be consistent for your entire database so people don't get confused whats the foreign key

  • Natural connection to real world that may change and requires some thought, natural more clear when reading in db



  • one to many

  • child has foreign key that is primary key of parent

  • Parent is person ordering or author, child is order or book

Many to Many

  • Problems: Lists of ids are hard to maintain and both try to be parents

  • Solution: Joining/bridging/intermediate table that becomes the child of both parents. Compound/composite key here

Lookup Table

Now have a lu_membership lookup table, that is foreign key in member table instead of stored with member.

Foreign key constraints means all members can only have memberships that exist, updates to membership ez

Foreign Key Constraints

FK constraints refers to what happens to parents referenced by children:

  • on delete

  • on update

For each action can:

  • restrict(stops action)

  • cascade(update/delete children as well)

  • set null(remove foreign key reference)


1st Normal Form: Single elements, not lists. Create new tables with a row with foreign key_id and each element of list

2nd Normal Form: Keep attributes in correct table

3rd Normal Form: Column depends on column which depends on pk. Transitive dependency: an attribute depends on anthoer attribute in the row i.e star, star meaning which depends on type. Should create new table for stars



Lets say you use gender across tables like as a requirement of group membership or person

Would you make a table with

And then reference it with foreign keys

Compared to just storing male everywhere db level enums are better b/c:

  • foreign key database level assurance (not for lists)

  • easy cross platform changes as not typed to code

  • Removes constants in code and puts in db

Worse b/c:

  • support weird/difficult seeing gender = 1


User or Users => survey says singular cuz

  • slightly clearer on JOINs like join on user, though worse on slect from user, but you can consider it the user table

  • Consistency: Plural forms vary word to word(status, news), what if each entry is plural like studentfacts facts

  • In alphabetical order, order then orderdetails better than orderdetails then orders

  • less letters :)

Last updated