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Install Shell

Open the Command Palette (⇧⌘P) and type 'shell command'


Use them Cmd-Shift-P snippets to configure something like below:

  "My API Service Function": {
    "prefix": "myapi",
    "body": [
      "interface ${1/(^.)/${1:/upcase}/}Response {",
      "  data: Board;",
      "async function $1($2) {",
      "  try {",
      "    const resp = await axios.post<${1/(^.)/${1:/upcase}/}Response>(\"/api/boards\", { $2 });",
      "    return resp.data;",
      "  } catch (err) {",
      "    store.dispatch(logAxiosError(err, $3));",
      "    throw err;",
      "  }",
  • $1, $2 to specify cursor locations. The number is the order in which tabstops will be visited, whereas $0

  • also has variables like time, date, filename, etc

  • Can transform variables like ${1/(^.)/${1:/upcase}/ to uppercase first letter so capture then specific what to do to it

Code to Snippets Script

name = "Express Router Boilerplate"
prefix = "myroute"
code = """const express = require("express");
const debug = require("debug")("app:routes:folder");

const Folder = require("../models/Folder.js");
const asyncH = require("../utils/asyncHandler.js");

let router = express.Router();

router.get("/", asyncH(getFolder));

async function getFolder(req, res) {
  const f = await Folder.find().exec();
  debug(f, typeof f);

module.exports = router;"""

def cleanLine(l):
  newL = "\t\t\""
  for c in l:
    if c == "\"":
      newL += "\\"
      newL += c
    elif c == "\t":
      newL += "\\t"
      newL += c
  newL += "\","
  return newL

bs = "{"
be = "}"
print(f"\"{name}\": {bs}")
print(f"\t\"prefix\": \"{prefix}\",")
print("\t\"body\": [")
for line in code.split("\n"):
print(be + ",")

Last updated