Can have set position for scroll
Can do blur, grayscalle, invert, hue-rotate, etc
Sick stuff color-dodge;
CSS Shapes
Clip-path can even do it with a url to do like heart shape
Curve around clip-path
Sick polygon shape with like curved line on one side that text follows
Chrome extension called shape editor to help ya out with complex shapes like polygons
+, -, *, /, mod, min, max
Width: calc(50%-1em);
Content Editable
Can change appearance of things with -webkit-appearance. Like make an element appear like another one
Screen Readr
If you want something to be read, but no display. Postion absolute off the page, display:none will not be read so not sol
Font Save Space
Go to font squirrel and make font with just hte things you want
Can get only certain letters from font and have rest of font fall back
There is a CSS property to have resizing like a textarea, but you have to hover the bottom right which is jank
If you want it on the bottom left you can do this:
Last updated