Apache MySQL and PHP


  • Apache Server sudo apachectl start then navigate to localhost:80,

  • need to restart everytime sudo apachectl restart

  • http -v

  • cd /etc/apache2

  • use emacs to edit httpd.conf

  • cd /Library/WebServer/Documents has the index.html.en that is run by default and is locked down

  • could edit that default folder if you want, but ....


  • Macs come preinstalled with php and apache

  • To just run the php file put #!/usr/bin/php at the top of php page, or #!/usr/local/bin/php -d display_errors=STDOUT for errors

  • Files with extension .php are run through the php processor when run and return a html page

  • Put in the preconfigured sites folder for use, navigate with localhost/~jfuentes/[filename.php]


  • Also preinstalled

  • sqlite3

Last updated