Essential Middleware

Common Express Middleware

  • body-parser: parses request bodies for POST parameters.

    • const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
      • builtin express.json() will work for most cases, bodyParser works when raw json text in postman with single quotes while express.json wont

  • cookie-parser: Used to parse the cookie header and populate req.cookies (essentially provides a convenient method for accessing cookie information).

    • const cookieParser = require("cookie-parser");
  • cors: Enable cross origin stuff globally

    • const cors = require("cors");
  • morgan: An HTTP request logger middleware for node.

    • app.use(morgan('dev'))
      //=> GET / 200 17.199 ms - -
  • serve-favicon: Node middleware for serving a favicon (this is the icon used to represent the site inside the browser tab, bookmarks, etc.).

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