
  • logic-less, templating engine handles most, basic things like conditionals

  • some advanced features like tags and functions


    go to github repo and download:

Rendering Template

  • Get template content

  • render the template

  • put html back into document

$("document").ready(() => {
    var tlContent = $('#tmpID').html;
    var result = Mustache.render(tlContent, dataObj);
<script type="text/template" id="tmpID>


Sections and Conditions

Repeated data: Loop over all the employees and get each individual object

var template = $("#itemTemplate").html();
var result = Mustache.render(template, {
               "employees" : [{

<script type="text/template">
    <div> {{name}} </div>
    <div><span>Quantity in stock: </span><span>{{quantity}}</span></div>
    <div><span>It appears we are out of stock on this item :-(</span></div>


is the value of the field is actually a function, you can use like a property . Mustache will call it and this. will be set to the data object itself.

What if we make a section with a function that takes a text and renders

Last updated