Data Structures
Used for set and easy checking for existence in
Constant lookup, no ordering
Linked list
Pretty useless besides fast insertion, so deque
Javascript doesnt even have one
Standard in most languages, constant lookup and ordered
Show up in DOM, File Systems, and more
Binary Search Tree, AVL Trees and Red-Black Trees(self balancing BST)
Good for keeping ordering despite rapid insertion and deletion(arrays would require shifts)
Efficient range querying
Often used in Databases, B-Trees or B+Trees
MySQL, PostgreSQL, and many NoSQL databases, use B+Trees for indexing
Transportation, social/relationship networks, dependencies
Bfs, dfs, prims, Dijkstra
Other Vocab Words:
Dynamic Array, queue, deque(both ends), stack
trie(store strings by tree of characters), heap(BST with smallest value as root, easy priority queue), min-heaps and max-heaps(can be represented in array)
bloom filter, Ordered Dict(dict for lookup and linked list for order), LRU cache
How do databases store files?
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