Data Structures

  • Hashmap

    • Used for set and easy checking for existence in

    • Constant lookup, no ordering

  • Linked list

    • Pretty useless besides fast insertion, so deque

      • Javascript doesnt even have one

  • Array

    • Standard in most languages, constant lookup and ordered

  • Tree

    • Show up in DOM, File Systems, and more

    • Binary Search Tree, AVL Trees and Red-Black Trees(self balancing BST)

      • Good for keeping ordering despite rapid insertion and deletion(arrays would require shifts)

      • Efficient range querying

    • Often used in Databases, B-Trees or B+Trees

      • MySQL, PostgreSQL, and many NoSQL databases, use B+Trees for indexing

  • Graph

    • Transportation, social/relationship networks, dependencies

    • Bfs, dfs, prims, Dijkstra

  • Other Vocab Words:

    • Dynamic Array, queue, deque(both ends), stack

    • trie(store strings by tree of characters), heap(BST with smallest value as root, easy priority queue), min-heaps and max-heaps(can be represented in array)

    • bloom filter, Ordered Dict(dict for lookup and linked list for order), LRU cache

How do databases store files?

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