MouseTrap Key Bindings

Small 4.5kb minified lib

yarn add mousetrap


// single keys
Mousetrap.bind('4', function() { highlight(2); });
Mousetrap.bind('x', function() { highlight(3); }, 'keyup');

// combinations
Mousetrap.bind('command+shift+k', function(e) {
    highlight([6, 7, 8, 9]);
    return false;

Mousetrap.bind(['command+k', 'ctrl+k'], function(e) {
    highlight([11, 12, 13, 14]);
    return false;

// gmail style sequences
Mousetrap.bind('g i', function() { highlight(17); });
Mousetrap.bind('* a', function() { highlight(18); });

// konami code!
Mousetrap.bind('up up down down left right left right b a enter', function() {
    highlight([21, 22, 23]);


useEffect(() => {
  Mousetrap.bind(OPEN_SHORTCUT, toggleSpotlight);
  () => Mousetrap.unbind(OPEN_SHORTCUT)
}, []);

Text fields

By default all keyboard events will not fire if you are inside of a textarea, input, or select to prevent undesirable things from happening.

If you want them to fire you can add the class mousetrap to the element.

<textarea name="message" class="mousetrap"></textarea>

Last updated