2.0 released 1/26/23 which recommends usage of select
instead of query
, so most guides are out of date
See flask/sqlalchemy for more
Copy pip install sqlalchemy
# For PostgreSQL
pip install psycopg2
# For MySQL
pip install pymysql
Copy from sqlalchemy import select
user = db . session . scalars ( select (User). where (User.email == email)). first ()
# query with multiple classes, returns list of tuples
result = session . execute ( select (User, Address). join ( "addresses" ). filter_by (name = "ed" )). all ()
# query with ORM columns, returns list of tuples
result = session . execute ( select (User.name, User.fullname)). all ()
# Joins, infers the on statement
users = db . session . scalars ( select (User). join (Cohort). join (School). where (School.id == school_id)). all ()
Copy newUser = User (name = "patrick" , fullname = "Patrick Star" )
db . session . add (newUser)
#session.add_all([spongebob, sandy, patrick])
session . commit ()
Insert parent and children
Copy parent = Person (name = 'Homer' )
child = Person (name = 'Bart' )
parent . children . append (child)
child = Person (name = 'Lisa' )
parent . children . append (child)
session . add (parent)
session . commit ()
Copy from app . extensions import db , login_manager
from flask_login import UserMixin
from sqlalchemy . sql import func
class User ( UserMixin , db . Model ):
id = db . Column (db.Integer, primary_key = True )
name = db . Column (db.String, nullable = False )
email = db . Column (db.String, nullable = False )
password_hash = db . Column (db.String, nullable = True )
picture = db . Column (db.String, nullable = True )
inserted_at = db . Column (db. DateTime (timezone = True ), server_default = func. now ())
updated_at = db . Column (db. DateTime (timezone = True ), onupdate = func. now ())
def as_dict ( self ):
return { "id" : self . id , "password_hash" : self . password_hash , "email" : self . email , "name" : self . name , "picture" : self . picture }
def db_get_user ( id ):
user = db . session . scalars (
select (User). where (User.id == id )). first ()
# print("USER", user)
return user
## Using UUID
from sqlalchemy . dialects . postgresql import UUID
import uuid
class ResetToken ( db . Model ):
id = db . Column ( UUID (as_uuid = True ), primary_key = True , default = uuid.uuid4)
One to many
Copy from sqlalchemy . orm import relationship
from sqlalchemy import Column , String , Integer , Sequence , ForeignKey
class Parent ( Base ):
__tablename__ = "parent_table"
id = Column (Integer, primary_key = True )
# one-to-many collection
children = relationship ( "Child" , back_populates = "parent" )
class Child ( Base ):
__tablename__ = "child_table"
id = Column (Integer, primary_key = True )
parent_id = Column (Integer, ForeignKey ( "parent_table.id" ))
# many-to-one scalar
parent = relationship ( "Parent" , back_populates = "children" )
# Note the names of the variables
"Child" and "Parent" are the names of the table not type of relation
back_populates uses the variable inside the class as the thing in strings
Migrating/Creating Tables
Very Rough Code that creates table
Copy from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy . ext . declarative import declarative_base
db_url = "aldsfjklasvk;lvas;klasdf;klj"
engine = create_engine (db_url)
base = declarative_base ()
base . metadata . create_all (engine)
Recommended to use flask-migrate
Outside of Flask
Must use session for all transactions and session.commit
if you write data
Copy # Option 1 Session Maker
Session = sessionmaker (engine)
with Session () as session :
session . add ( object )
session . commit ()
# Option 2
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy . orm import Session
engine = create_engine ( "postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/" )
with Session (engine) as session :
session . add (some_object)
session . add (some_other_object)
session . commit ()
Last updated 4 months ago