
Borders can down into triangle of top part, so height & width of 0 and border width of 10px and only top red would create triangle.


  • -color:

  • -style

  • -width

  • -radius

  • border


currentcolor default, any color you want


dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | hidden | none

default is none


(length) | thin | medium | thick

TRouBLe order(top right bottom left)

border shorthand

border: width style color;
/* style is required, width is medium, color is currentcolor */
border-left: 5px dashed rgba(217, 68, 11, 0.5);


Adds rounded corners, color lines will stay pointing to corner

Border-radius: 20px;
Border-radius: 50%;
/* circle(if equal h&w) */
border-radius: 10px 20px; 
/* upper left and lower right have 10px radius, upper right and lower right have 20px; */
border-radius: 10px / 20px; 
/*horizontal 10px, vertical 20px*/


Must have border

border-image: source || slice / width / outset || repeat;
border-image: url(gradient.png 32 / 12px stretch)

The corners are put in the corners and the center is stretched

Last updated