
Great playground in chrome console

Most common errors

  1. Thinking the value is invalid when it is actually undefined

  2. Not awaiting for a promise

  3. Can't do await in map/filter ft

  4. Equality and booleans are jank in js

    1. [] !== [] | Boolean([]) === true

  5. Problems with variable hoisting(using value before its defined, without throwing error)


console.log( { x }); //{ } prints it as a dict so you get the variable name
console.table([1, 2]); // log in table 
console.trace('hi'): //will do stack trace

//Can compute performace
//some op
console.timeEnd("looper"); //=> looper: 4.3ms

Is something you are requiring undefined?

  • Circular dependency, module.exports will just return null

Last updated