Getting Streams
Get Camera
Copy function startCamera () {
function getCameraStream (stream) {
console .log ( "Starting Camera" );
stream . onended = () => {
console .log ( "Camera Stream ended." );
setCamStream (stream);
navigator .mediaDevices
.getUserMedia ({
audio : false ,
video : true
.then (getCameraStream)
.catch (err => {
getUserMediaError (err);
setCameraError (err);
Get Audio
Do it seperate then add as a track to your stream, might be able to just say audio true, but mac makes it jank or something idk
Copy function startAudio () {
function getAudio (stream) {
console .log ( "Starting Audio Stream" );
stream . onended = () => {
console .log ( "Audio Stream ended." );
setAudioStream (stream);
navigator .mediaDevices
.getUserMedia ({ audio : true , video : false })
.then (getAudio)
.catch (getUserMediaError);
Get Screen
Copy function startCapture (displayMediaOptions) {
let captureStream = null ;
return navigator . mediaDevices .getDisplayMedia (displayMediaOptions)
.catch (err => { console .error ( "Error:" + err); return null ; });
Checking Permissions
Copy const audioP = await navigator . permissions .query ({ name : "microphone" });
debug ( audioP .state); // granted, denied, prompt
audioP . onchange = () => debug ( "Changed to" , this .state);
Using Stream
Play Video of MediaStream
Copy const vRef = useRef ( null );
if (camStream) vRef . current .srcObject = camStream;
return (< video
className = "h-full scale-medium"
data-setup = "{}"
ref = {vRef}
Copy let audioStream;
let numRecordedChunks = 0 ;
let recordedChunks = [];
let recorder;
const recorderOnDataAvailable = event => {
console .log ( "Data available" );
if ( event .data && event . data .size > 0 ) {
recordedChunks .push ( event .data);
numRecordedChunks += event . data .byteLength;
const getMediaStream = stream => {
stream . onended = () => {
console .log ( "Media stream ended." );
if (audioStream !== null ) {
console .log ( "Adding audio track." );
let audioTracks = audioStream .getAudioTracks ();
stream .addTrack (audioTracks[ 0 ]);
try {
console .log ( "Start recording the stream." );
recorder = new MediaRecorder (stream , { mimeType : "video/webm" });
} catch (e) {
console .assert ( false , "Exception while creating MediaRecorder: " + e);
return ;
recorder .ondataavailable = recorderOnDataAvailable;
recorder . onstop = () => {
console .log ( "recorderOnStop fired" );
recorder .start ();
console .log ( "Recorder is started." );
Actually then using that recording
Copy const play = () => {
const blob = new Blob (recordedChunks , { type : recordedChunks[ 0 ].type });
const blobURL = URL .createObjectURL (blob);
let currentRecording = (blobURL);
console .log (recordedChunks , blob , blobURL);
return (
< video
controls autoPlay
data-setup = "{}" src = {currentRecording}
This sends it to transloadit, but you can also use the base uppy to send straight to S3
Copy import Robodog from "@uppy/robodog" ;
function send () {
const blob = new Blob (recordedChunks , { type : recordedChunks[ 0 ].type });
const resultPromise = Robodog .upload ([blob] , {
params : {
auth : { key : "352f4e9e50f84a4591c9f2039571cbc5" } ,
template_id : "ad391eea34034ef28e04e8ad1a024b14"
.then (bundle => {
console .log ( "TRANSLOAD it success" );
console .log ( bundle .transloadit);
console .log ( bundle .results);
.catch (err => console .error ( "Transerr" , err));
Recording a web video/audio will not have the duration set in the header. To let the file know the duration, you can skip to the end and it will figure it out.
Copy useEffect (() => {
vRef . current . onloadedmetadata = () => {
vRef . current .currentTime = 9999999999 ;
vRef . current . ontimeupdate = function () {
vRef . current .ontimeupdate = null ;
vRef . current .currentTime = 0.1 ;
vRef . current .currentTime = 0 ;
vRef . current .play ();
console .log ( "LOADS" );
vRef . current .onloadedmetadata = null ;
} , []);
If the browser doesn't support then these are ignored, check navigator.mediaDevices.getSupportedConstraints()
Copy audio : {
echoCancellation : true ,
autoGainControl : true ,
noiseSuppression : true
video : {
frameRate : 30
//prefer camera if available
{ video : { deviceId : myPreferredCameraDeviceId } }
//only this camera
{ video : { deviceId : { exact : myExactCameraOrBustDeviceId } } }