
  • Useful for large files like videos

  • Download, Upload, transcode, and push to an S3/server


You create a template that has a JSON describing the list of steps or robots and their settings

Use the opensource tool Uppy to upload files, comes with nice upload UI for different sources even GDrive and camera out of the box

Use Robodog, the uppy based library to talk to Transloadit API

import Robodog from "@uppy/robodog";

const resultPromise = Robodog.upload(files, {
  params: {
    auth: { key: "3.dsafkjads.adsf.afds.adsf.." },
    steps: {
      ":original": {
        robot: "/upload/handle",
      export: {
        use: ":original",
        robot: "/s3/store",
        credentials: "eta-aws",
        //\$ for translodits string stuff url_name is url encoded name with extension
        path: `${new Date().toISOString()}-\${file.url_name}`,

resultPromise.then((bundle) => {
  bundle.transloadit // Array of Assembly statuses



Here is a basic template to output .webm

Can use assembly variables like ${fields.*} if uppy was set to allow it

  "steps": {
    ":original": {
      "robot": "/upload/handle"
    "filter": {
      "use": ":original",
      "robot": "/file/filter",
      "accepts": [
      "error_on_decline": true
    "video_webm": {
      "use": "filter",
      "robot": "/video/encode",
      "ffmpeg_stack": "v3.3.3",
      "preset": "webm"
    "export": {
      "use": [
      "robot": "/s3/store",
      "credentials": "slingshow_aws",

Then credientials should be set in template credentials

Last updated