

Can just use the HTML5 API in the renderer process

function Notify() {
  function notify() {
    const myNotification = new window.Notification("HI", { body: "THERE" });
  return <button onClick={notify}>Notify</button>;


function callUpdateNotification() {
  const iconAddress = `file://${__dirname}/assets/logo.png`;
  const notifOptions = {
    title: "Slingshow",
    subtitle: "NOW",
    body: "Time to update your team (⌘K)",
    icon: iconAddress
  const notif = new Notification(notifOptions);;
  notif.addListener("click", e => {
    console.log("I hear the shit out of you");

Notification Options:

  • title` String - A title for the notification, which will be shown at the top of the notification window when it is shown.

  • subtitle String (optional) macOS - A subtitle for the notification, which will be displayed below the title.

  • body String - The body text of the notification, which will be displayed below the title or subtitle.

  • silent Boolean (optional) - Whether or not to emit an OS notification noise when showing the notification.

  • icon (String | NativeImage) (optional) - An icon to use in the notification.

  • hasReply Boolean (optional) macOS - Whether or not to add an inline reply option to the notification.

  • replyPlaceholder String (optional) macOS - The placeholder to write in the inline reply input field.

  • sound String (optional) macOS - The name of the sound file to play when the notification is shown.

  • actions NotificationAction[] (optional) macOS - Actions to add to the notification. Please read the available actions and limitations in the NotificationAction documentation.

  • closeButtonText String (optional) macOS - A custom title for the close button of an alert. An empty string will cause the default localized text to be used.

Last updated