
All Scala classes are derived from Object(from Java)


class Rational(x: Int, y: Int) {
    require(y > 0, "y must be positive") //basically assert but different exception

    def numer = x
    def denom = y
    private val g = 3

    def this(x: Int) = this(x, 1) //constructor overloading

    override def toString = "X: " + x + " Y: " + y
    private[this] def myF() {


val x = new Rational(1, 2)

Case Classes

convenientaly store and match on class contents(i.e insted of if comp.brand == "HP")

Basically extras on top of class that can be used like a class

case class Calculator(brand: String = "Dell", model: String) //Dell default
val hp20b = Calculator("HP", "20b") //without new keyword
  • Getters, no setters

  • generates hashcode, toStr, and equals

  • ez copying hp20b.copy(brand = "Texas")

Class Modifiers


cant be instated with new and can have unimplemented its

abstract class Shape {
    def getArea():Int// subclass should define this

Sealed & Final

final can't be extended anywhere and sealed can only be extended in the same Scala file


trait Cache[K, V] {
  def get(key: K): V
  def put(key: K, value: V)
  def delete(key: K)

Ez Overloading


//if one parameter
r add s

Soooo you can have very natural operator overloading on +

r - s

precedence defined as first character so ez i.e a+bc == a+(b\c) regardless of what a, b, and c are


Basically allows you to answer question if B is subclass of A is Container[B] a subclass of Container[A]

Look up more if you need this

Last updated