
There are five different position values:

  • static(default)

    • Width constrained to parents bounding box

    • not affected by z-index


If not static, elements are then positioned using the top, bottom, left, and right properties

  • relative - adjusted away from normal pos, does nothing if t/b/l/r not set

  • fixed - positioned relative to the viewport(mostly), sticks to position on scroll

    • https://n0rush.medium.com/css-position-fixed-is-not-always-relative-to-viewport-ac37d78e2f13

  • absolute

    • relative to the nearest ancestor with a nonstatic position set or viewport if none

    • Removes it from the document flow so other divs will be rendered as if it wasnt there

  • sticky - relative until it would be out of viewport then fixed

Last updated