Selectors Master Race
Basic Selectors
Always use least specificity you need, so all li's instead of ids. Makes future use better
<li id="myID">
<li class="myClass">
li //element selector
ul li //descendant selector
ol > li //direct child selector
li.myClass + li //adjacent sibling(closest/immediately after)
li.myClass ~ li //matches all later siblings
* //all
Attribute Selectors
element[attribute] - select elements containing the named attribute
img[alt] {}
E[attr="val"] // exact case-sensitive if attribute is case sensitive
E[attr~="val"] //full word matches i.e spaces aroudn
E[attr|="val"] // attr has val or begins with val-(useful for languages i.e "lang en-uk" or "lang en-us")
E[attr^="val"] // starts with val
This adds link at end of link for all external links, attr(href) prints the exact url preprocessing
E[attr$="val"] //ends with val
E[attr*="val"] //appears anywhere in content
E[attr="val" i] //i adds case insensitive
UI pseudo-classes
Based on current state of UI, recall CSS updates immediately
:out-of-range //with using min and max, step default to 1
:not(:valid) { ... }
{} 0-0-0 //which every has highest number in the column wins left to right
1-0-0: ID selector
0-1-0: Class selector
0-0-1: Element Selector
On tie whichever comes later
Last updated