Reddit API

Python => Praw(Python Reddit API Wrapper)

1) - And add an app to get secret

2) Send the user to the auth url:

3) If authed, the user redirected to redirect_uri with code and state in query string

4) Post to the with grant_type=authorization_code&code=CODE&redirect_uri=URI


Dealing With Stuff

Determine Available Attributes of an Object

If you have a PRAW object, e.g., Comment, Message, Redditor, or Submission, and you want to see what attributes are available along with their values, use the built-in vars() function of python. For example:

import pprint

# assume you have a Reddit instance bound to variable `reddit`
submission = reddit.submission(id='39zje0')
print(submission.title) # to make it non-lazy

Note the line where we print the title. PRAW uses lazy objects so that network requests to Reddit’s API are only issued when information is needed. Here, before the print line, submission points to a lazy Submission object. When we try to print its title, additional information is needed, thus a network request is made, and the instances ceases to be lazy. Outputting all the attributes of a lazy object will result in fewer attributes than expected.

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