import torch #similar to numpyimport torch.autograd #differntiation libimport torch.nn as nn# neural networks lib with autograd integrationimport torch.nn.functional as F #functional implementation of nn(lower level, not trainable)import torch.optim as optim # standard op methods like gradient descenttorch.manual_seed(123)
x_1 = torch.randn(2, 5)y_1 = torch.randn(3, 5)z_1 =, y_1))#0 is along first listed axis, 1 2nd etc
x = torch.randn(3200, 3, 28, 28)#3200 photos of 28*28 RGB# We want a batch, infer second dimesion with -1x_reshaped = x.view(32, -1, 3, 28, 28)print(x_reshaped.shape)
They share their underlying memory locations so a change to one will change the other
a = torch.ones(5)b = a.numpy()a.add_(1)print(a)print(b)
tensor([ 2., 2., 2., 2., 2.])
a = torch.from_numpy(b)
Computation Graphs and Automatic Differentiation
Not fixed like in other things like tensorflow autograd. Variable keeps track of how it was created
S knows enough about itself to determine its derivative backpropagation calculates gradients with respect to every variable. .backward Run backprop starting from it, running multiple times will accumulate it in .grad prop below. Must keep in data autograd to do grad stuff
s.backward(retain_graph=True)print(x)print(x.grad)#value if we differentiateprint(y.grad)