
So you have a working app and want to decrease unneccessary renders and loads

  • Look at using more granular contexts, Redux with selectors, or a custom hook that accesses local storage

  • React.lazy load with Suspense


If a parent component changes state/rerenders, all of its child also rerender unless you use React.memo. The DOM might not change though.

Use React.memo when given the same props, component returns same output and reasonably expensive/used with same props. No internal state?

Like shouldComponentUpdate of old, React.memo shallowly compare its props before deciding to rerender:

const Button = React.memo((props) => {
  // your component

React.memo is equivalent to PureComponent, but it only compares props. (2nd arg can be custom compare ft, that skips rerender if returns true)

Can optimize individual children with useMemo.

// Only re-rendered if `a` changes:
const child1 = useMemo(() => <Child1 a={a} />, [a]);

return (<>{child1}</>);

React only takes React.memo as a hint, must be allowed to rerender

Last updated