


**Looks like Poetry is a better/fast Pipenv**

Differences of Poetry vs Pipenv

  • pyproject.toml(PEP spec) vs Pipfile to store more deps info

  • Pipenv has python version management

  • Faster


Rec use asdf to install python versions

curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 -

curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | asdf exec python3 - #if you are using asdf to manage python versions to avoid default pythons installed on MacOS


poetry --version
poetry init #setup in project creating pyproject.toml


poetry add pendulum #add new package
poetry install #install all packages
poetry run python your_script.py #run
poetry shell #to enter the shell
poetry update #equivalent to deleting poetry.lock and rerunning

Make sure to put poetry.lock in VC

poetry env info #show env info


Pipenv vs virtualenv

Benefits of pipenv

  • deterministic install with pipfile.lock

  • Manages environment and pip simuletously

  • Using new commands mean you dont have to remember to pip freeze

  • can have dev and prod envs

  • Easy way to enforce others use the best practice of environments, environments allow different global versions of packages

  • Actually better syntax then virtual environments and pip freeze and requirements.txt


  • New intrusive commands for installation and running

  • another layer of abstraction using virtualenvs underneath

  • https://github.com/pypa/pipenv/issues/796, if you mv the file you have to reinstall the pipenv :O [fix by having ]


pip install pipenv

pip install --user pipenv

pipenv installcreate env if one doesn't exist or install everything

pipenv --python 3 to specify version


pipenv install requests instead of pip install

pipenv install pymongo==3.4.0 for specific version

pipenv run to run stuff in virtual env

pipenv run python instead of python


pipenv install --deploy —system

Jupyter Notebook

To use a specific pipenv with jupyter notebook, install Jupyter and new kernel in the environment

pipenv install ipykernel
ipython kernel install --user --name=projectname

To later delete this kernel:

  • jupyter kernelspec uninstall projectname

  • jupyter kernelspec list


source venv/bin/activate


Last updated