
  • logicless, you dont write logic

  • Handlebar is a kind of mustache

  • extensible with helpers instead of functions

  • precompilation for performance




  • Get template content

  • render template

  • put html back in document

$("document").ready(function() {
    var template = $("#itemTemplate").html();
    // Handlebars compiles the template into a callable function
    var renderer = Handlebars.compile(template);

    // call the compiled function with the template data
    var result = renderer({
        "item" : "Whisper 4000 in-home heater and dog walker",
        "description" : "Walk your dog and heat your house at the same time? Now you can, with the Whisper 4000 Home Heating system / Dog Treadmill!",
        "price" : 895.99,
        "inStock" : true,
        "quantity" : 100


Each & If Else operator

To if you can pass anteing that can easily become true of falsey like boolean, array, string etc

<script type="text/x-handlebars-template" id="itemTemplate">
    {{#each employees}}
         <div class="itemTemplateWrapper">
         {{! This is a handlebars comment and it is totally ignored }}
        {{#if fulltime}}
             <div>Full-time employee</div>
                <div>Part-time employee</div>


Encapsulate functionality

Handlebars.registerHelper("prodQuantity", function (prodData) {
                if (prodData.quantity >= 100)
                  return "We currently have a large amount in stock.";
                  return "Hurry! We don't have many left in stock";    
<script type="text/x-handlebars-template" id="itemTemplate">
    <div>{{prodQuantity data}}</div>


Get handlebars command by npm install -g handlebars

Creat.handlebars that just contains the template

Should use runtime code because precompied so smaller size

DOnt need to do compile ddddddd

Last updated