• Mostly from frontend master by estelle.github.com/CSS-Workshop .

  • CSS Level 1, 2, 3 broken in modules like 4

  • Flexbox is Level 1

  • Convention is top, bottom, left, right for ordering

Including css

external is ideal, allows reusability across site

<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/file.css" />`

  <!--body {}-->

<p style="color: black"> Lorem ipsum</p>


1em - Relative to parent's font-size(16px font-size => 1em)

1rem - Relative to root html's font-size

50% - Relative to parent container

50vh - Relative to viewport height (100vh is max)

50vw - Relative to viewport width

100px - Never really use, it doesn't adapt to screen size at all

calc(10% - 1em) - Use calc for simple maths


Browser add support for CSS features that are experimental with prefixes, used

Webkit- (chrome/safari)


Last updated