
Check out the gatsby-cli for setup

Whats different about this then React?

  • plugins simplify some things like configuration and shit

  • Link

  • Easy page/article adding(just add md, no routing needed)

  • Data(anything outside code like Wordpress, css, markdown, apis, dbs) Integrations

Basic Usage

Add new page

Just add a new file to src/pages/name and it will automatically be added to localhost:8000/about

Add a page layout

Just define a parent component and include it on every page using containment and {{children}}

Add new component

Make a src/components

Add and import files

Special Gatsby Files

Must be found in root directory

Changes here require a rerun of gatsby develop


import "./src/styles/global.css"; //import global styles


this is where you add plugins and other site configuration

module.exports = {
  siteMetadata: {
    title: `Title from siteMetadata`,
  plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-plugin-typography`,
      options: {
        pathToConfigModule: `src/utils/typography`,

Options available to set within gatsby-config.js include:

  1. siteMetadata (object)

  2. plugins (array)

  3. pathPrefix (string)

  4. polyfill (boolean)

  5. mapping (object)

  6. proxy (object)

Plugin Guide

Generally any npm package works

Plugins just offer easier integration

Like Styled Components, you could manually render the Provider component near the root of your application, or you could just use gatsby-plugin-styled-components which takes care of this step for you in addition to any other difficulties you may run into configuring Styled Components to work with server side rendering.

Last updated