
  • Adds Page-based routing system

  • Pre-rendering, static generation (SSG) and server-side rendering (SSR) supported on a per-page basis

  • Automatic code splitting for faster page loads

  • Client-side routing with optimized prefetching

  • Built-in CSS and Sass support, and support for any CSS-in-JS library

  • Development environment which supports Hot Module Replacement

  • API routes to build API endpoints with Serverless Functions

  • Fully extendable

  • Has an electron specific repo

Seems awesome, basically adds some efficiency to React and easy page adding without being as heavyweight as Gatsby

Unlike Gatsby

Usually uses a server, can configure to be static site get

Seems to be used by more companies

Can become completely clientside rendered

Less opinotated

Gatsby dictates how you handle data(GraphQL)

Let’s say you wanted to use client-side rendering for a route like /products/yellow-dress-1. With NextJS, this isn’t possible. Instead, you would need to use query parameters like this /product?productId=yellow-dress-1.


Next pre-renders every page, generate HTML in advance

Last updated