
Flexbox can do stuff like same size box and pop things up and down and navigation changes position. Flexbox default has next line be longer and can have empty boxes, if you dont want that then grid

body > div {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: row;
    flex-wrap: wrap;
div > div {
    flex: 10%;

Basic Steps

  1. Add display: flex; to the parent of elements

  2. Set flex-direction to column or row


  1. Creation - display

  2. Direction: flex-flow(row/column & wrapping) (flex-direction, flex-wrap)

  3. Alignment: justify-content, align-items, align-self, align-content

  4. Ordering: order

  5. Flexibility: flex(flex-grow, flex-shrink, flex-basis) change proportional to other shit


flex: (can it grow) (can it shrink)


Flex-Item is all none-absolute child of display: flex

main axis is like along one row is direciton is row

cross axis is perpedential to main axis

Impacted CSS Properties

ignore column, float, clear, vertical-align

Change minwidth&height default is auto not 0

Change visibility to collapse

Change margin:

Flex Container


Row is like in 1 row: a | b | c

body > div {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: row;
  • row(default)

  • row-reverse

  • column

  • Column-reverse

Special Cases:

  • Reverse actually doesn't change order for screen readers

  • Change languages to right to left changes order of columns or rows

SO, have flex column of nav bar, main page, and footer, then in main page have flex row, in each flex row have flex columns etc etc...


  • nowrap(default)

  • wrap

  • wrap-reverse(changes cross axis direction)


shorthand for wrap&dir

flex-flow: column-reverse wrap-reverse;

Styles on Parent


Aligns flex items along the main axis if sum of flex items doesn't equal container

  • Flex-start(group at main-start)

  • Flex-end(group at main-end)

  • center(group at center)

  • space-between(put 1st and last in place and everything evently spaced)

  • space-around(same margin of space around each item)

  • Space-evenly(same amount of space between each item)


Only applies to organization of multiple-line stuff along cross axis, how each line is displayed


align flex items along cross axis within line

  • flex-start(group at cross-start)

  • flex-end(group at cross-end)

  • center(center of max)

  • baseline(header bottom all perfectly aligned)

  • stretch(every item stretchs to max)

Styles on Flex Items


Override align item for an individual item, same properities

  • auto is new prop that means what parents says to do


default value is 0, depending on given values organizes in ascending order -1 0 1 where 0 is done by markup


Grow shrink and be the right size

Make overflow-hidden to stop the contents from affecting the min size

Flex is shorthand, but made up of

  • flex-grow: how to divide extra space, given to anything with value greater than 0 proportionally on this value(default: 1)

  • Flex-shrink: how to shrink if there's not enough room, shrink based on this value(default: 1)

  • Flex-basis: the starting size before free space is distributed; length value(px, em), content, or auto; 0 divides all space, auto depends on content

.item:nth-of-type(odd) {
    flex: 1 0 220px; //220px base and grow if extra pixels
.a, .b {
    flex: 2; //2 0 0px; so a grows much
.c {
    flex: 1;
//if 1000px total, a&b would be 400px and c would be 200px

Will never shrink to less than longest word

Center Something

.ecstatic-button {
	width: 3.75rem;
	height: 3.75rem;
	display: flex;
	justify-content: center;
	align-items: center;

Last updated