


  • Compiled exec OS specific and have statically linked runtime(contains all needed libs)

  • Custom types can implement interfaces and have methods

  • Custom structs have member fields

  • GO's class with no inheritance, no constructors, no generics(operator overloading), no exception handling, no implicit numeric conversions

  • Next-gen succient C

  • Garbage Collection, mem reclaimed when objects out of scope of set to nil very fast

  • Scopes to blocks

  • Great concurrency(Goroutine, channel, select)


go run [file]

go build [file]

godoc [package] ie. godoc fmt gives you all exported functions and comments

gofmt -w [file] To override and format file

Hello World

package main


func main() {
  fmt.Println("Hello from Go!")
  fmt.Println(strings.ToUpper("Hello really loud"))

Exported fts and fields have initial upper-case character

starting brace must be on same line

builtin package


Needed to have multi-files and install libs


Make the following dir struct:


​ bin #for exec

​ pkg #for intermediate

​ src

​ [package name]

​ [filename].go

Then export GOPATH=[folder path]

Startup file has package main at top and a func main

Now go install in the [package name] folder will create stuff in bin

go install [package name] will work anywhere and install package


All files in a package must use the same name

under src>stringutil>stringutil.go

package stringutil

func FullName(s, l) {

In other package

package main

import (

func main() {
    author := stringutil.FullName("Jorge", "Fuentes")

Last updated